GcalInfo logo
show calendar information


GcalInfo (Google Calendar Info) is a Linux GUI - program, written in Python and based on the wxWidgets cross-platform Gui-library.
With this software you can watch your nearest events, merge information from any calendar, define individual colors for each calendar and more. You can run the app as a window on the desktop or banish it as an icon to the system tray. The icon will indicate how many events occur today.



To run GcalInfo, you need Python 2.5.x or better (not 3.x) and wxPython 2.8.x.x or better to be installed on your computer. In addition it would be wise to install the following modules:

GcalInfo has been tested on computers running Kubuntu Linux (KDE), Ubuntu Linux (Gnome) and Windows XP SP3.


At the very first start of GcalInfo, three files will be created in your home directory:

You can decide to store these files elsewhere on your computer. This is possible by starting the application with the command line switch -i=/path_to_files. Example: gcalinfo.pyw -i=/opt/GcalInfo. Now the above mentioned files are stored in the directory '/opt/GcalInfo'.


GcalInfo GUI has a main window with two columns for event start time and event summary information. Events from different calendars are grouped at the day of occurrence. Events of today have a highlighted background (configurable via 'Preferences').

Main window

The screenshot shows the main window with a context popup. This is because the user has clicked on an event.

The main window includes a menubar, a listcontrol with 2 columns and finally, the main window contains a statusbar divided into 2 fields. From left to right they are:

The status led is implemented to help you to know what's going on with the app (see table below).

led color meaning
yellow the app tries to connect to the Google calendar service
green downloading calendar information was successfull
blue downloading calendar information was not successfull - using locally stored calendar information is used instead.
red a connection to the Google calendar service could not be established nor were there locally stored calendar information from previous connections

Connection summary  

The screenshot above shows the connection summary ('File', 'Connection summary' or CTRL-S). Here you can see the last update from the Google calendar service date and time, the total event count registered for each calendar and the assigned color.


Common program setup is done via the Preferences menu. To get to the menu, use 'Options', 'Preferences' or type CTRL-P. The Preferences notebook dialog has 2 tabs.

Calendar Urls:

Preferences - Calendar Urls  

In this dialog you enter the calendar urls you want to monitor. A new url is entered by pressing Add. Then you can copy or type the url in the now enabled edit box. The color button is now enabled too, so you can choose via a color picker your desired calendar color.
So how do you get the urls of your calendars? This is not so hard - follow the below described 7 steps:
that's it ...

Preferences - Miscellaneous



Preferences - Miscellaneous


Item Default Explanation
Max time frame 30 This is the time frame in days (starting today), your calendars will be evaluated. You can choose a value between 1 and 365 days.
Refresh interval 15 Refresh interval is the time in minutes, the app will wait until the Google calendar service is contacted again for downloading the (eventually changed) calendars.
Max disp events 10 If you don't like vertical scrollbars or if you want to speed up things, you can limit the count of shown events to any number between 1 and 250.
Font family System Ansi Font Here you can choose the font for the information in the main window. All fonts, installed on your machine are offered.
Font size 10 The fontsize in points for the main window font can be any value between 6 and 16.
Highlight color (242,221,202) The highlight color for the events of today.
Reminder popup Enabled If there are events for today and you have enabled Reminder popup, a popup window will show up to inform you. You can decide not to be reminded again (Cancel) or to be reminded in 5, 15 or 30 minutes or in 1, 3 or 6 hours again if you press 'Remind me again'. The app remembers your selection for future offers. For this feature it doesn't matter if you are running the app with a window or as an icon in the systen tray.
Update check Disabled GcalInfo can automatically check the website on startup. If a new program release is available, a popup window appears.
Action log Disabled If Action log is enabled, relevant program actions are written to a logfile. The logfile is placed in the users homedir or in a directory of your choice (command line option). The name of the logfile is GcalInfo-Action.log (see Logfile remark below).
Start minimized Disabled If enabled, the application will start as a systray icon without a main window. If you hover over the icon, a popup listing today's events appears. If you click on the icon, the main window shows up.


Reminder Popup Window  

Reminder popup window

Reminder Popup Window  

App-icon in systray (2 events for today - the digit in the icon is displayed if PIL is installed)

Logfile remark:
Logfiles are written by a RotatingFileHandler with a maxBytes size of 64 / 512 kB and a backupCount of 4 backups. Rollover occurs whenever the current log file is nearly maxBytes in length. If backupCount is >= 1, the system will successively create new files with the same pathname as the base file, but with extensions ".1", ".2" etc. appended to it. For example, with a backupCount of 4 and a base file name of "app.log", you would get "app.log", "app.log.1", "app.log.2", ... through to "app.log.4". The file being written to is always "app.log" - when it gets filled up, it is closed and renamed to "app.log.1", and if files "app.log.1", "app.log.2" etc. exist, then they are renamed to "app.log.2", "app.log.3" etc. respectively. This is the same technique as you might have seen in the /var/log dir of Linux systems.

The format of a logfile line is:  date  time  -- message i.e.

Action-log (64 kB)
2011-01-02 18:36:29 -- Calendars - calendar #1 sucessfully fetched
2011-01-02 18:44:47 -- Update check - the installed version of GcalInfo is up to date

Note for Windows users:
The GcalInfo application does not put any values in the Windows registry.


Final note

All screenshots shown in this document, are taken from GcalInfo 0.2x and 0.3x running on Linux (Kubuntu 10.10, KDE 4.5.x).

If you like the software, use it (at your own risk). If you have suggestions or encounter bugs - please send me an email. If you do not like the software - throw it away.

Thanks go to


GcalInfo was designed and coded by Frank Mersmann (frank.mersmann@gmail.com).
Beta tests and artworks were made by Wolfgang Bredow (bredow.w@googlemail.com).
Beta tests and hints were made by Klaus Reese (kldreese@googlemail.com).
